Yes! You can change life for BETTER by doing just ONE thing. That ONE THING is being consistent in small daily action. Let us explore how consistency is key (animated) and how small daily actions lead to massive results in this writing of Nicolas Cole who is a writer for Inc. Magazine and Top Writer on Quora with his work published in Time, Forbes, Entrepreneur and many more. He has shared his personal life story, especially for you guys. So, why is consistency important in life? In fact, consistency is the path to success, and daily consistency yields massive success. These small daily steps change life for the better. But, how to maintain consistency in life. Let us explore this phenomenon:

Step 1
When I (Nicolas Cole) was 19 years old, a friend had told me about this book called Manifest Your Desires: 365 Ways To Make Your Dreams A Reality.

Now, for context, 19-year-old me didn’t read anything except gaming blogs on the internet. Period. But, I was going through a rough time my first year of college, and this friend of mine insisted that if I read one page per day, and spent 5–10 minutes thinking hard about what that page said, my thoughts would begin to change: about the world, about myself, and even about being open to the concept of reading. And no, this isn’t a promotion for the book. This is a true story.

For 2 years, I woke up every single day and read a page out of this book, quietly in my room.
Then, I either meditated (sitting in silence) or journaled about what the page made me think of. No right answers, no allotted length. I just journaled whatever came up in me. If it didn’t make sense why I was thinking about something seemingly unrelated, I wrote it anyway. Usually, sometime in the near future, I would draw a connection—and it would make sense as to why I had thought of what I had.

These are my tactics, but you can come up with your own. I just keep experimenting with different routines, trying to find something that helps me work on the next piece of myself that needs working on.
I urge you to do the same.
There is no right answer to the process of bettering yourself. But the ONE THING it does require is CONSISTENCY. DON’T let yourself get tired. DON’T say “tomorrow.” JUST DO IT. Do it right NOW. Do it before you forget. Do it before you get distracted. Do it while you still care—before the next voice creeps in and convinces you why you shouldn’t.
Force yourself anyways.
And within seconds, you’ll be in it and thankful you did.
Carry out that practice EVERY DAY, and watch your life change.
These are small daily steps to success. Consistency is the key to success when there is a consistency of purpose.
Watch the animated video to know more.
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💡Books by Nicolas Cole

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2) Confessions of a Teenage Gamer:
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💡This was initially published as an article in Medium by Nicolas Cole:
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CREDITS: This video uses those music and sound effects from YouTube Audio Library which do not require attribution.
This video also uses sounds from FreeSound.


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